I thought I would try my hand at a concise python expander for the syntax and came up with:
bash$ python -c '
import sys,os,re
s1 = re.subn(r"\$([a-z_A-Z][A-Za-z_0-9\-]*)", r"%(\1)s", s)[0]
s2 = re.subn(r"\${([^}]+)}", r"%(\1)s", s1)[0]
print s2 % os.environ ' < in_file > expanded_file
Isn't this reinventing
Now that I've looked it up: it is. Wonderful.
ReplyDeleteThanks steven.
it now boils down to
bash$ cat xx.caf
bash$ python -c 'from string import Template
import os,sys
print Template(sys.stdin.read()).safe_substitute(os.environ)' < xx.caf
I guess I got confused over debates on web templating systems and forgot what was available in the standard library.
- Paddy.