Mainly Tech projects on Python and Electronic Design Automation.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

(Ab)use of Pythons in-built data structures

I like to use Pythons in-built data structures quit a lot, and tend to
force myself to ask whether I  should create my own classes,
which allows you to use meaningful names for fields and add
comments/docstrings to the datastructure but usually at the cost of
adding more lines of text.

After writing about Huffman codes and posting solutions to href="">Rosetta
code and href="">my

 29  color="#804040">def  color="#008080">codecreate(symbol2weights, tutor= False):
color="#804040"> 30 ''' color="#ff00ff"> Huffman encode the given dict mapping symbols to weights '''
color="#804040"> 31 global decode
color="#804040"> 32
color="#804040"> 33 heap = [ [float(wt), [[sym, []]], repr(sym)] color="#804040">for sym, wt color="#804040">in symbol2weights.iteritems() ]
color="#804040"> 34 heapify(heap)
color="#804040"> 35 if tutor: color="#804040">print " color="#ff00ff">ENCODING:", sorted(symbol2weights.iteritems())
color="#804040"> 36 while len(heap) >1:
color="#804040"> 37 lo = heappop(heap)
color="#804040"> 38 hi = heappop(heap)
color="#804040"> 39 color="#804040">if tutor: color="#804040">print " color="#ff00ff"> COMBINING:", lo, ' color="#6a5acd">\n AND:', hi
color="#804040"> 40 color="#804040">for i color="#804040">in lo[1]: i[1].insert(0, ' color="#ff00ff">0')
color="#804040"> 41 color="#804040">for i color="#804040">in hi[1]: i[1].insert(0, ' color="#ff00ff">1')
color="#804040"> 42 lohi = [ lo[0] + hi[0] ] + [lo[1] + hi[1]]
color="#804040"> 43 lohi.append(' color="#ff00ff">(%s if nextbit() else %s)' % (hi[2], lo[2]))
color="#804040"> 44 color="#804040">if tutor: color="#804040">print " color="#ff00ff"> PRODUCING:", lohi, ' color="#6a5acd">\n'
color="#804040"> 45 heappush(heap, lohi)
color="#804040"> 46 wt, codes, decoder = heappop(heap)
color="#804040"> 47 decode = eval(' color="#ff00ff">lambda :' + decoder, globals())
color="#804040"> 48 decode.__doc__ = decoder
color="#804040"> 49 for i color="#804040">in codes: i[1] = ''.join(i[1])
color="#804040"> 50 #for i in codes: i[::] = i[:2]
color="#804040"> 51 return sorted(codes, key= color="#804040">lambda x: (len(x[-1]), x))
color="#804040"> 52

Someone posted a href="">
Java solution, that was over three times as long. Instead of
just counting and comparing line counts,  I took a closer
look to see what the extra code was for.

import java.util.*;

color="#2e8b57">abstract color="#2e8b57">class HuffmanTree color="#2e8b57">implements Comparable<HuffmanTree> {
color="#2e8b57">public color="#2e8b57">int frequency; color="#0000ff">// the frequency of this tree
color="#2e8b57">public HuffmanTree( color="#2e8b57">int freq) { frequency = freq; }

color="#0000ff">// compares on the frequency
color="#2e8b57">public color="#2e8b57">int compareTo(HuffmanTree tree) {
color="#804040">return frequency - tree.frequency;

color="#2e8b57">class HuffmanLeaf color="#2e8b57">extends HuffmanTree {
color="#2e8b57">public color="#2e8b57">char value; color="#0000ff">// the character this leaf represents

color="#2e8b57">public HuffmanLeaf( color="#2e8b57">int freq, color="#2e8b57">char val) {
value = val;

color="#2e8b57">class HuffmanNode color="#2e8b57">extends HuffmanTree {
color="#2e8b57">public HuffmanTree left, right; color="#0000ff">// subtrees

color="#2e8b57">public HuffmanNode(HuffmanTree l, HuffmanTree r) {
color="#2e8b57">super(l.frequency + r.frequency);
left = l;
right = r;

color="#2e8b57">public color="#2e8b57">class HuffmanCode {
color="#0000ff">// input is an array of frequencies, indexed by character code
color="#2e8b57">public color="#2e8b57">static HuffmanTree buildTree( color="#2e8b57">int[] charFreqs) {
PriorityQueue<HuffmanTree> trees = color="#804040">new PriorityQueue<HuffmanTree>();
color="#0000ff">// initially, we have a forest of leaves
color="#0000ff">// one for each non-empty character
color="#804040">for ( color="#2e8b57">int i = color="#ff00ff">0; i < charFreqs.length; i++)
color="#804040">if (charFreqs[i] > color="#ff00ff">0)
trees.offer( color="#804040">new HuffmanLeaf(charFreqs[i], ( color="#2e8b57">char)i));

color="#804040">assert trees.size() > color="#ff00ff">0;
color="#0000ff">// loop until there is only one tree left
color="#804040">while (trees.size() > color="#ff00ff">1) {
color="#0000ff">// two trees with least frequency
HuffmanTree a = trees.poll();
HuffmanTree b = trees.poll();

color="#0000ff">// put into new node and re-insert into queue
trees.offer( color="#804040">new HuffmanNode(a, b));
color="#804040">return trees.poll();

color="#2e8b57">public color="#2e8b57">static color="#2e8b57">void printCodes(HuffmanTree tree, Stack<Character> prefix) {
color="#804040">assert tree != color="#ff00ff">null;
color="#804040">if (tree color="#804040">instanceof HuffmanLeaf) {
HuffmanLeaf leaf = (HuffmanLeaf)tree;

color="#0000ff">// print out character and frequency
System.out.print(leaf.value + color="#ff00ff">"\t color="#ff00ff">" + leaf.frequency + color="#ff00ff">"\t color="#ff00ff">");

color="#0000ff">// print out code for this leaf, which is just the prefix
color="#804040">for ( color="#2e8b57">char bit : prefix)

} color="#804040">else color="#804040">if (tree color="#804040">instanceof HuffmanNode) {
HuffmanNode node = (HuffmanNode)tree;

color="#0000ff">// traverse left
prefix.push( color="#ff00ff">'0');
printCodes(node.left, prefix);

color="#0000ff">// traverse right
prefix.push( color="#ff00ff">'1');
printCodes(node.right, prefix);

color="#2e8b57">public color="#2e8b57">static color="#2e8b57">void main(String[] args) {
String test = color="#ff00ff">"this is an example for huffman encoding";

color="#0000ff">// we will assume that all our characters will have
color="#0000ff">// code less than 256, for simplicity
color="#2e8b57">int[] charFreqs = color="#804040">new color="#2e8b57">int[ color="#ff00ff">256];
color="#0000ff">// read each character and record the frequencies
color="#804040">for ( color="#2e8b57">char c : test.toCharArray())

color="#0000ff">// build tree
HuffmanTree tree = buildTree(charFreqs);

color="#0000ff">// print out results
System.out.println( color="#ff00ff">"SYMBOL\t color="#ff00ff">WEIGHT\t color="#ff00ff">HUFFMAN CODE");
printCodes(tree, color="#804040">new Stack<Character>());

noticed that the Java was tidy, and that they had defined their own
classes for a HuffmanLeaf structure used when constructing a

In my original Python, I used a nested list as
the equivalent to the HuffmanLeaf of the Java example. It worked, but I
had to introduce 'magic constants' to access the fields of the Python
leaf , which is also un-named as a structure in the program (lline 33
the Python code creates a list of Leaf structures):

33  heap = [ [float(wt), [sym, []]]  color="#804040">for sym, wt  color="#804040">in symbol2weights.iteritems() ]

Now I didn't want to go to the trouble of creating my own
classes, but that's were the new href="">namedtuple
class factory of Python 2.6 came to the rescue.


will generate a subtype of the tuple class that allows the fields of
the tuple to be named and accessed via subscription, [], or as if the
fields are instance variable names.

I modified my Python program to use two named tuples:

  1. For the Leaf structure as a whole in line 3.

  2. For a component of the Leaf structure that holds the symbol
    and the Huffman code (accumulated so far), in line 4.

 1  color="#a020f0">from collections  color="#a020f0">import namedtuple
color="#804040"> 2
color="#804040"> 3 Leaf = namedtuple(' color="#ff00ff">Leaf', 'weight, symbols')
color="#804040"> 4 SH = namedtuple(' color="#ff00ff">SH', 'sym, huff')
color="#804040"> 5
color="#804040"> 6 def color="#008080">codecreate2(symbol2weights, tutor= False):
color="#804040"> 7 ''' color="#ff00ff"> Huffman codecreate2 the given dict mapping symbols to weights '''
color="#804040"> 8 heap = [ Leaf(weight=float(wt), symbols=[ SH(sym, []) ])
color="#804040"> 9 color="#804040">for sym, wt color="#804040">in symbol2weights.iteritems() ]
color="#804040">10 heapify(heap)
color="#804040">11 if tutor: color="#804040">print " color="#ff00ff">ENCODING:", sorted(symbol2weights.iteritems())
color="#804040">12 while len(heap) >1:
color="#804040">13 lo = heappop(heap)
color="#804040">14 hi = heappop(heap)
color="#804040">15 color="#804040">if tutor: color="#804040">print " color="#ff00ff"> COMBINING:", lo, ' color="#6a5acd">\n AND:', hi
color="#804040">16 color="#804040">for sh color="#804040">in lo.symbols: sh.huff.insert(0, ' color="#ff00ff">0')
color="#804040">17 color="#804040">for sh color="#804040">in hi.symbols: sh.huff.insert(0, ' color="#ff00ff">1')
color="#804040">18 lohi = Leaf(weight = lo.weight + hi.weight,
color="#804040">19 symbols = lo.symbols + hi.symbols)
color="#804040">20 color="#804040">if tutor: color="#804040">print " color="#ff00ff"> PRODUCING:", lohi, ' color="#6a5acd">\n'
color="#804040">21 heappush(heap, lohi)
color="#804040">22 symbols = heappop(heap).symbols
color="#804040">23 symbols = [SH(sym, ''.join(huff)) color="#804040">for sym, huff color="#804040">in symbols]
color="#804040">24 return sorted(symbols, key= color="#804040">lambda sh: (len(sh.huff), sh))

class generation is succinct in lines 3 and 4, and I use the field
names for clarity for example when creating the original list of Leaves
that will form the heap in line 8

Printing namedtuples

The print statements stay the same, but before you got output like this:

style="font-family: monospace;"> style="font-family: monospace;">...

  COMBINING: [2.5, ['C', []]] style="font-family: monospace;">
AND: [5.0, ['A', []]]

PRODUCING: [7.5, ['C', ['0']], ['A', ['1']]]
style="font-family: monospace;">

Now you get the clearer:

style="font-family: monospace;"> ENCODING:
[('A', '5'), ('B', '25'), ('C', '2.5'), ('D', '12.5')]

  COMBINING: Leaf(weight=2.5, symbols=[SH(sym='C', huff=[])])

AND: Leaf(weight=5.0, symbols=[SH(sym='A', huff=[])])

  PRODUCING: Leaf(weight=7.5, symbols=[SH(sym='C',
huff=['0']), SH(sym='A', huff=['1'])])

  COMBINING: Leaf(weight=7.5, symbols=[SH(sym='C',
huff=['0']), SH(sym='A', huff=['1'])])

AND: Leaf(weight=12.5, symbols=[SH(sym='D', huff=[])])

PRODUCING: Leaf(weight=20.0, symbols=[SH(sym='C', huff=['0', '0']),
SH(sym='A', huff=['0', '1']), SH(sym='D', huff=['1'])])

COMBINING: Leaf(weight=20.0, symbols=[SH(sym='C', huff=['0', '0']),
SH(sym='A', huff=['0', '1']), SH(sym='D', huff=['1'])])

AND: Leaf(weight=25.0, symbols=[SH(sym='B', huff=[])])

PRODUCING: Leaf(weight=45.0, symbols=[SH(sym='C', huff=['0', '0',
'0']), SH(sym='A', huff=['0', '0', '1']), SH(sym='D', huff=['0', '1']),
SH(sym='B', huff=['1'])])


you can do so much with Python lists, if each position in the list has
a fixed meaning then you might be best to use tuples, and if you should
be using tuples, then namedtuples can make your code more readable
without bloating it with long class definitions.

- Paddy.


  1. Please can you fix your html?!

  2. Hi
    Have you implemented the decoder as well?

  3. Hi. Some HTML problems made your post completely unreadable.

    1. Yep. That's an issue with blogger and I haven't got around to reposting it. It was fine when posted, and I am aware. Thanks for your concern.

    2. are you still aware? it is really hard to read :(



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