the Easter break. One of the less traditional ways forward is to write
a toggle count utility - something to take a simulation of a
hardware design and count which nets transition both to a zero and a
one in the simulation. For various reasons I could not get the design
to simulate in a modern version of a simulator with in-built toggle
counting without having to rebuild a C-based testbench for a later
version of an OS and a simulator that a major part of the TB is not
certified on.
I decided to spend my Easter Monday writing a VCD
to toggle-count
I started by searching my C: drive for a non-trivial vcd file and found
a ~200k/300 net sample generated from the Icarus Verilog program. I
then googled for the file format and found the IEEE 1394-2001 document
and went for that. I googled for ready-made utilities too and found an
interesting document on mining VCD files and parsing RTL to generate
all sorts of coverage metrics, but the VCD readers I found were in C
and, e.g. GTKWave
, and didn't seem to clarify how to write a vcd reader. (OK,
specifically - the liberal sprinkling of goto's in GTKWave sources put
me off, there - I've said it :-).
I moved on to read the IEEE spec, peruse my example vcd files, reject
writing an evcd (extended VCD), parser as I could
later extend a VCD parser, and I think the works simulator has enough
controls to tailor the VCD generated to be what I want.
The VCD files I will eventually have to work on may be a gigabyte in
size so I want to step through the file one token at a time gathering
stats as I go, and my reading of the VCD file format seemed to show
that that was possible, so the fist line of Python I wrote was this
175 tokeniser = (word for line in f for word in line.split() if word)
The above generator
comprehension, just gives successive words from the VCD file
without storing a huge chunk of the file in memory. tokeniser worked
originally with :
154 keyword2handler = {
155 # declaration_keyword ::=
156 "$comment": drop_declaration,
157 "$date": vcd_date,
158 "$enddefinitions": vcd_enddefinitions,
159 "$scope": vcd_scope,
160 "$timescale": vcd_timescale,
161 "$upscope": vcd_upscope,
162 "$var": vcd_var,
163 "$version": vcd_version,
164 # simulation_keyword ::=
165 "$dumpall": vcd_dumpall,
166 "$dumpoff": vcd_dumpoff,
167 "$dumpon": vcd_dumpon,
168 "$dumpvars": vcd_dumpvars,
169 "$end": vcd_end,
170 }
and the 'switch statement':
176 for count,token in enumerate(tokeniser):
181 keyword2handler[token](tokeniser, token)
... to form the guts of the program but when I had fleshed out all the
declaration keyword handlers beyond mere stubs, I decided to
add the second half of the parse routine as I realised that I would
skip all the simulation keywords and only needed to concentrate on the
first character of a token to determine what to do. This led to the
finished form of function vcd_toggle_count
I had thought that the rules for left-expanding a VCD value to a larger
word size might lead to a compact Python solution and i was pleased
with my result, which I tested in the Python interpreter as:
>>> for
number in "10 X10 ZX0 0X10".split():
extend = size-len(number)
print "%-4s -> %s" % (number,
('0' if number[0]=='1' else number[0])*extend + number)
-> 0010
-> XX10
-> ZZX0
0X10 -> 0X10
number in "10 X10 ZX0 0X10".split():
extend = size-len(number)
print "%-4s -> %s" % (number,
('0' if number[0]=='1' else number[0])*extend + number)
-> 0010
-> XX10
-> ZZX0
0X10 -> 0X10
.This became:
81 extend = stats.size - len(number)
82 if extend:
83 number = ('0' if number[0]=='1' else number[0])*extend + number
Well, enough prattling on about how I wrote the program, the full
source is below, and I'm off to work to to try it for real. It should
work, and since I have done no optimisations for speed as yet , I am
confident that I could get acceptable run-times out of its
variants to handle the gigabyte VCD file if I get one.
1 #!pythonSTOP PRESS!
2 '''
3 Extract toggle count from vcd file
5 Refer to IEEE standard 1364 2001
6 (
8 Author Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy (C) 24 March 2008
9 '''
11 from __future__ import with_statement
12 from itertools import dropwhile, takewhile, izip
13 from collections import defaultdict
14 from pprint import pprint as pp
16 vcdfile = r"C:\cygwin\home\HP DV8025EA\tmp\ivtest_v1.0\test_div16.vcd"
18 class VCD(object):
19 def __init__(self):
20 self.scope = []
21 self.idcode2references = defaultdict(list)
22 self.reference2idcode = dict()
23 self.enddefinitions = False
24 self.id2stats = dict() # Maps id to its accumulated statistics
25 def textstats(self):
26 total, updown, uponly, downonly = 0,0,0,0
27 out = []
28 for ref in sorted(self.reference2idcode.keys()):
29 id = self.reference2idcode[ref]
30 stats = self.id2stats[id]
31 if stats.size == 1:
32 total +=1
33 if stats.zero2one and stats.one2zero:
34 updown +=1
35 covered = 'PASS'
36 elif stats.zero2one:
37 uponly +=1
38 covered = 'FAIL0'
39 elif stats.one2zero:
40 downonly +=1
41 covered = 'FAIL1'
42 else:
43 covered = 'FAIL10'
44 out.append( " %-50s %s" % ( '"'+".".join(x[1] for x in ref)+'":', (covered, stats.zero2one, stats.one2zero)) )
45 else:
46 total += stats.size
47 for count, (one2zero, zero2one) in enumerate(izip(stats.one2zero, stats.zero2one)):
48 if zero2one and one2zero:
49 updown +=1
50 covered = 'PASS'
51 elif zero2one:
52 uponly +=1
53 covered = 'FAIL0'
54 elif stats.one2zero:
55 downonly +=1
56 covered = 'FAIL1'
57 else:
58 covered = 'FAIL10'
59 name = ".".join( x[1] for x in (ref+(('BIT:','<'+str(count)+'>'),)) )
60 out.append( " %-50s %s" % ( '"'+name+'":', (covered, zero2one, one2zero)) )
61 header = "# TOGGLE REPORT: %g %%, %i / %i covered. %i up-only, %i down-only." % (
62 updown/1.0/total*100, updown, total, uponly, downonly )
63 body = "toggle={\n" + "\n".join(out) + '\n }'
64 return header, body
66 def scaler_value_change(self, value, id):
67 if value in '01' :
68 stats = self.id2stats[id]
69 if not stats.value:
70 stats.value = value
71 elif stats.value != value:
72 stats.value = value
73 if value == '0':
74 stats.one2zero +=1
75 else:
76 stats.zero2one +=1
78 def vector_value_change(self, format, number, id):
79 if format == 'b':
80 stats = self.id2stats[id]
81 extend = stats.size - len(number)
82 if extend:
83 number = ('0' if number[0]=='1' else number[0])*extend + number
84 newdigit, newone2zero, newzero2one = [],[],[]
85 for digit, olddigit, one2zero, zero2one in izip(number, stats.value, stats.one2zero, stats.zero2one):
86 if digit in '01' and olddigit and olddigit != digit:
87 if digit == '0':
88 one2zero +=1
89 else:
90 zero2one +=1
91 elif digit not in '01':
92 digit = olddigit
93 newdigit.append(digit)
94 newone2zero.append(one2zero)
95 newzero2one.append(zero2one)
96 stats.value, stats.one2zero, stats.zero2one = newdigit, newone2zero, newzero2one
99 class IdStats(object):
100 def __init__(self, size):
101 size = int(size)
102 self.size = size
103 if size ==1:
104 self.value = ''
105 self.zero2one = 0
106 self.one2zero = 0
107 else:
108 # stats for each bit
109 self.value = ['' for x in range(size)]
110 self.zero2one = [0 for x in range(size)]
111 self.one2zero = [0 for x in range(size)]
112 def __repr__(self):
113 return "<IdStats: " + repr((self.size, self.value, self.zero2one, self.one2zero)) + ">"
116 vcd = VCD()
118 def parse_error(tokeniser, keyword):
119 raise "Don't understand keyword: " + keyword
121 def drop_declaration(tokeniser, keyword):
122 dropwhile(lambda x: x != "$end", tokeniser).next()
124 def save_declaration(tokeniser, keyword):
125 vcd.__setattr__(keyword.lstrip('$'),
126 " ".join( takewhile(lambda x: x != "$end", tokeniser)) )
127 vcd_date = save_declaration
128 vcd_timescale = save_declaration
129 vcd_version = save_declaration
131 def vcd_enddefinitions(tokeniser, keyword):
132 vcd.enddefinitions = True
133 drop_declaration(tokeniser, keyword)
134 def vcd_scope(tokeniser, keyword):
135 vcd.scope.append( tuple(takewhile(lambda x: x != "$end", tokeniser)))
136 def vcd_upscope(tokeniser, keyword):
137 vcd.scope.pop()
139 def vcd_var(tokeniser, keyword):
140 var_type, size, identifier_code, reference = tuple(takewhile(lambda x: x != "$end", tokeniser))
141 reference = vcd.scope + [('var', reference)]
142 vcd.idcode2references[identifier_code].append( (var_type, size, reference))
143 vcd.reference2idcode[tuple(reference)] = identifier_code
144 vcd.id2stats[identifier_code] = IdStats(size)
145 def vcd_dumpall(tokeniser, keyword): pass
146 def vcd_dumpoff(tokeniser, keyword): pass
147 def vcd_dumpon(tokeniser, keyword): pass
148 def vcd_dumpvars(tokeniser, keyword): pass
149 def vcd_end(tokeniser, keyword):
150 if not vcd.enddefinitions:
151 parse_error(tokeniser, keyword)
154 keyword2handler = {
155 # declaration_keyword ::=
156 "$comment": drop_declaration,
157 "$date": vcd_date,
158 "$enddefinitions": vcd_enddefinitions,
159 "$scope": vcd_scope,
160 "$timescale": vcd_timescale,
161 "$upscope": vcd_upscope,
162 "$var": vcd_var,
163 "$version": vcd_version,
164 # simulation_keyword ::=
165 "$dumpall": vcd_dumpall,
166 "$dumpoff": vcd_dumpoff,
167 "$dumpon": vcd_dumpon,
168 "$dumpvars": vcd_dumpvars,
169 "$end": vcd_end,
170 }
171 keyword2handler = defaultdict(parse_error, keyword2handler)
173 def vcd_toggle_count(vcdfile):
174 f = open(vcdfile)
175 tokeniser = (word for line in f for word in line.split() if word)
176 for count,token in enumerate(tokeniser):
177 if not vcd.enddefinitions:
178 # definition section
179 if token != '$var':
180 print token
181 keyword2handler[token](tokeniser, token)
182 else:
183 if count % 10000 == 0:
184 print count, "\r",
185 c, rest = token[0], token[1:]
186 if c == '$':
187 # skip $dump* tokens and $end tokens in sim section
188 continue
189 elif c == '#':
190 = rest
191 elif c in '01xXzZ':
192 vcd.scaler_value_change(value=c, id=rest)
193 elif c in 'bBrR':
194 vcd.vector_value_change(format=c.lower(), number=rest,
195 else:
196 raise "Don't understand: %s After %i words" % (token, count)
197 print count
198 f.close()
200 vcd_toggle_count(vcdfile)
201 header, body = vcd.textstats()
202 print '\n'+header+'\n\n'+body+'\n'
I'm back from work and the program worked with minor changes:
- I used the fileinput module to allow greater flexibility in specifying the input VCD file.
- Works, simulator had a slightly different interpretation of the spec around the definition of $var. (The spec needs to explicitely mark where spaces can/must occur).
- I missed adding commas to separate the output lines which should form a valid Python dict.