Mainly Tech projects on Python and Electronic Design Automation.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Extended Vanity Search on Rosetta Code

This is the href="">first,
extended so I can see how far up I am in the href="">league
table of page views.

Since that first blog entry I have created three new pages:' href="">First-class
functions ', href="">'Octal'
which was created after I made a large edit to the href="">Hex
page, and 'Y
', which is my current ' href="">stretch

Here is the code:

Rosetta Code Vanity search:
color="#ff00ff"> How many new pages has someone created?

color="#a020f0">import urllib, re

user = ' color="#ff00ff">Paddy3118'

site = ' color="#ff00ff">'
nextpage = site + ' color="#ff00ff">/wiki/Special:Contributions/' + user
nextpage_re = re.compile(
r' color="#ff00ff"><a href="([^"]+)" title="[^"]+" rel="next">older ')

newpages = []
pagecount = 0
color="#804040">while nextpage:
page = urllib.urlopen(nextpage)
pagecount +=1
nextpage = ''
color="#804040">for line color="#804040">in page:
color="#804040">if color="#804040">not nextpage:
color="#0000ff"># Search for URL to next page of results for download
nextpage_match =, line)
color="#804040">if nextpage_match:
nextpage = (site + nextpage_match.groups()[0]).replace(' color="#ff00ff">&amp;', ' color="#ff00ff">&')
color="#0000ff">#print nextpage
color="#804040">if ' color="#ff00ff"><span class="newpage">' color="#804040">in line:
color="#0000ff"># extract N page name from title
newpages.append(line.partition(' color="#ff00ff"> title="')[2].partition(' color="#ff00ff">"')[0])

nontalk = [p color="#804040">for p color="#804040">in newpages color="#804040">if color="#804040">not ' color="#ff00ff">:' in p]

color="#804040">print " color="#ff00ff">User: %s has created %i new pages of which %i were not Talk: pages, from approx %i edits" % (
user, len(newpages), len(nontalk), pagecount*50 )
color="#804040">print " color="#ff00ff">New pages created, in order, are: color="#6a5acd">\n ",
color="#804040">print " color="#6a5acd">\n ".join(nontalk[::-1])

nextpage = site + ' color="#ff00ff">/w/index.php?title=Special:PopularPages'
nextpage_re = re.compile(
r' color="#ff00ff"><a href="([^"]+)" class="mw-nextlink">next ')

data_re = re.compile(
r' color="#ff00ff">^<li><a href="[^"]+" title="([^"]+)".*</a>.*\(([0-9,]+) views\)' )

title2rankviews = {}
rank = 1
pagecount = 0
color="#804040">while nextpage:
page = urllib.urlopen(nextpage)
pagecount +=1
nextpage = ''
color="#804040">for line color="#804040">in page:
color="#804040">if color="#804040">not nextpage:
color="#0000ff"># Search for URL to next page of results for download
nextpage_match =, line)
color="#804040">if nextpage_match:
nextpage = (site + nextpage_match.groups()[0]).replace(' color="#ff00ff">&amp;', ' color="#ff00ff">&')
color="#0000ff"># print nextpage
datamatch =, line)
color="#804040">if datamatch:
title, views = datamatch.groups()
views = int(views.replace(' color="#ff00ff">,', ''))
title2rankviews[title] = [rank, views]
rank += 1

color="#804040">print " color="#6a5acd">\n\n Highest page Ranks for user pages:"
fmt = " color="#ff00ff"> %-4s %-6s %s" color="#0000ff"># rank, views, title
color="#804040">print fmt % (' color="#ff00ff">RANK', 'VIEWS', ' color="#ff00ff">TITLE')
highrank = [title2rankviews.get(t,[99999, 0]) + [t] color="#804040">for t color="#804040">in nontalk]
color="#804040">for x color="#804040">in highrank:
color="#804040">print fmt % tuple(x)

(I promise to restructure it if I go back to it again :-)

Here is the output:

User: Paddy3118 has created 33 new pages of which 20 were not Talk: pages, from approx 300 edits
New pages created, in order, are:
Monty Hall simulation
Web Scraping
Sequence of Non-squares
Max Licenses In Use
One dimensional cellular automata
Conway's Game of Life
Data Munging
Data Munging 2
Column Aligner
Probabilistic Choice
Knapsack Problem
Yuletide Holiday
Common number base conversions
Integer literals
Command Line Interpreter
First-class functions
Y combinator

Highest page Ranks for user pages:
107 1767 Monty Hall simulation
127 1409 Conway's Game of Life
171 1109 Anagrams
183 1037 Knapsack Problem
224 812 Max Licenses In Use
232 789 Web Scraping
239 717 Spiral
242 712 One dimensional cellular automata
289 536 Sequence of Non-squares
321 442 Yuletide Holiday
329 422 Column Aligner
333 418 Probabilistic Choice
347 389 Data Munging
351 382 Data Munging 2
427 175 Integer literals
448 128 Common number base conversions
454 110 Command Line Interpreter
469 61 First-class functions
480 42 Octal
634 2 Y combinator

A quick perusal of the results shows that although Conway's Game of
Life was created later, it is high in views; conversely Spiral, my
first page, is down in views.

- Paddy.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Y Combinator in Python

I've been thinking again, and it hurts (its a good hurt though).

Somehow I came across the term 'Y combinator' again and this time
followed it up. It seems that it is a way to create a function
 that adds recursion to functions that don't have recursion in
their definition.

I am still learning from mainly href="">this
explanation 'The Y Combinator (Slight Return)' by Mike Vanier. but I've
managed to follow some things.

Here is a definition of a factorial function in Python:

factorial = lambda n: (1  color="#804040">if n<2  color="#804040">else n*factorial(n-1))

it is easy to see that it is recursive as the lambda expression is
assigned to a name and the name, fibonacci, is used in the lambda

We can mechanically generate a related function by calling the recursed
call 'f' and by wrapping the expression in an outer lambda expression
of f:

fac = lambda f:  color="#804040">lambda n: (1  color="#804040">if n<2  color="#804040">else n*f(n-1))

Notice that fac is not a recursive function as fac is not called inside
its definition. The fac function does not, in itself, compute the
factirial, but wrapping it in the Y combinator function Y produces a
function that computes a factorial, i.e:

Y(fac)(i) == factorial(i)


I am not too clear on the whole derivation of Y but Y,is itself a non
recursive function and, in Python is given by:

Y = lambda f: ( color="#804040">lambda x: x(x))( color="#804040">lambda y: f( color="#804040">lambda z: y(y)(z)))

here follows my interactive session where I am using it to compute
factorials and fibonacci numbers by adding recursion to non-recursive

>>> Y = lambda f: ( color="#804040">lambda x: x(x))( color="#804040">lambda y: f( color="#804040">lambda z: y(y)(z)))
>>> fac = color="#804040">lambda f: color="#804040">lambda n: (1 color="#804040">if n<2 color="#804040">else n*f(n-1))
>>> [ Y(fac)(i) color="#804040">for i color="#804040">in range(10) ]
[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880]
>>> fib = color="#804040">lambda f: color="#804040">lambda n: 0 color="#804040">if n == 0 color="#804040">else (1 color="#804040">if n == 1 color="#804040">else f(n-1) + f(n-2))
>>> [ Y(fib)(i) color="#804040">for i color="#804040">in range(10) ]
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]

I need to set this investigation aside, then come back to it.

- Paddy

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vanity Search on Rosetta Code

A vanity search is usually when you look for your own name on Google to
show how popular you are (in those terms, no personal slight intended).

I wanted to know how many new pages on Rosetta Code that I had started
so wrote the following script that starts from a users first page of href="">contributions,
and downloads all further pages searching for new page creations, which
are specially marked in the HTML and show as style="font-weight: bold;">N in the table.

The code:

Rosetta Code Vanity search:
color="#ff00ff"> How many new pages has someone created?

color="#a020f0">import urllib, re

user = ' color="#ff00ff">Paddy3118'

site = ' color="#ff00ff">'
nextpage = site + ' color="#ff00ff">/wiki/Special:Contributions/' + user
nextpage_re = re.compile(
r' color="#ff00ff"><a href="([^"]+)" title="[^"]+" rel="next">older ')

newpages = []
pagecount = 0
color="#804040">while nextpage:
page = urllib.urlopen(nextpage)
pagecount +=1
nextpage = ''
color="#804040">for line color="#804040">in page:
color="#804040">if color="#804040">not nextpage:
color="#0000ff"># Search for URL to next page of results for download
nextpage_match =, line)
color="#804040">if nextpage_match:
nextpage = (site + nextpage_match.groups()[0]).replace(' color="#ff00ff">&amp;', ' color="#ff00ff">&')
color="#0000ff">#print nextpage
color="#804040">if ' color="#ff00ff"><span class="newpage">' color="#804040">in line:
color="#0000ff"># extract N page name from title
newpages.append(line.partition(' color="#ff00ff"> title="')[2].partition(' color="#ff00ff">"')[0])

nontalk = [p color="#804040">for p color="#804040">in newpages color="#804040">if color="#804040">not p.startswith(' color="#ff00ff">Talk:')]

color="#804040">print " color="#ff00ff">User: %s has created %i new pages of which %i were not Talk: pages, from approx %i edits" % (
user, len(newpages), len(nontalk), pagecount*50 )
color="#804040">print " color="#ff00ff">New pages created, in order, are: color="#6a5acd">\n ",
color="#804040">print " color="#6a5acd">\n ".join(nontalk[::-1])

What I have created on RC

The output of the program shows all the pages I created , in order of

User: Paddy3118 has created 31 new pages of which 20 were not Talk: pages, from approx 300 edits
New pages created, in order, are:
href="">Monty Hall simulation
Web Scraping
Sequence of Non-squares
User talk:Lupus
href="">Max Licenses In Use
One dimensional cellular automata
Conway's Game of Life
Village Pump:Home/Foldable output
Data Munging
Data Munging 2
Column Aligner
Probabilistic Choice
href="">Knapsack Problem
Yuletide Holiday
Common number base conversions
Integer literals
Command Line Interpreter

I have added links to show when I blogged about a task as well as
starting the RC page. I can see that I have a 'User talk:' page that
should also be filtered out.

I was always writing small examples that I thought might be useful
examples for a Python training course. I was looking for a public home
for them and initially thought that, after stumbling across RC, that RC
would be a good home for them. I am only partially right, but I have
found the discipline of writing for RC to be enjoyable in itself, so
continue to contribute.

I quite enjoyed the challenge of creating an RC task beginning with the
letters K and then Y, so they could complete their full alphabet of
 named tasks. Yuletide Holiday was created around xmas 2008
and is really about Y2k errors - but they seem to have stuck with my
name :-)

I need to re-visit Data Munging and add extra clarification to the task
as RC needs a good task description, wheras a lot of data munging tasks

If you are interested in language comparison sites then you might want
to take a look at RC too!

- Paddy.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Comparison of Python Solutions to The Josephus Problem


After coming across href="">this
language comparison I decided to revisit the Josephus problem:
style="font-style: italic;">

Flavius Josephus was a roman historian of Jewish
origin. During the
Jewish-Roman wars of the first century AD, he was in a cave with fellow
40 men in all, surrounded by enemy Roman troops. They decided to commit
suicide by standing in a ring and counting off each third man. Each man
designated was to commit suicide...Josephus,
not wanting to die, managed to place himself in the position of the
last survivor.

In the general version of the problem, there are n soldiers
numbered from 1
to n and each m-th soldier will be eliminated. The count starts from
the first
soldier. What is the number of the last survivor?


  1. The soldiers are numbered from one
    to n.
  2. If the number of soldiers, n, is more than m
    then the first soldier to be killed is the m'th 

play with it?

The class based solution was created by Dan
purely to compare languages and worked well for him I guess. i on the
other hand, read his post and immediately started thinking of ways of
using Pythons lists for the task, and one thing lead to another ...



Just conditionally use
  2  color="#804040">try:
color="#804040"> 3 import psyco
color="#804040"> 4 psyco.full()
color="#804040"> 5 except ImportError:
color="#804040"> 6 print ' color="#ff00ff">Psyco not installed, the program will just run slower'
color="#804040"> 7

Dan's Class based solution:

 made a slight change to it. I needed a cleaner interface so
created a function of (m,n) that returned the one-based index of the
last soldier to be killed.:
 color="#804040">  8 
color="#804040"> 9 class color="#008080">Person:
color="#804040"> 10 '''
color="#804040"> 11 # From: href="">
color="#804040"> 12 '''
color="#804040"> 13 def color="#008080">__init__(self,pos):
color="#804040"> 14 self.pos = pos
color="#804040"> 15 self.alive = 1
color="#804040"> 16 def color="#008080">__str__(self):
color="#804040"> 17 color="#804040">return " color="#ff00ff">Person #%d, %s" % (self.pos, self.alive)
color="#804040"> 18
color="#804040"> 19 # Creates a chain of linked people
color="#804040"> 20 # Returns the last one in the chain
color="#804040"> 21 def color="#008080">createChain(self,n):
color="#804040"> 22 color="#804040">if n>0:
color="#804040"> 23 self.succ = Person(self.pos+1)
color="#804040"> 24 color="#804040">return self.succ.createChain(n-1)
color="#804040"> 25 color="#804040">else:
color="#804040"> 26 color="#804040">return self
color="#804040"> 27
color="#804040"> 28 # Kills in a circle, getting every nth living person
color="#804040"> 29 # When there is only one remaining, the lone survivor is returned
color="#804040"> 30 def color="#008080">kill(self,pos,nth,remaining):
color="#804040"> 31 color="#804040">if self.alive == 0: color="#804040">return self.succ.kill(pos,nth,remaining)
color="#804040"> 32 color="#804040">if remaining == 1: color="#804040">return self
color="#804040"> 33 color="#804040">if pos == nth:
color="#804040"> 34 self.alive = 0
color="#804040"> 35 pos=0
color="#804040"> 36 remaining-=1
color="#804040"> 37 color="#0000ff">#print "Killing", self
color="#804040"> 38 color="#804040">return self.succ.kill(pos+1,nth,remaining)
color="#804040"> 39
color="#804040"> 40 def color="#008080">josephus_class_ring(m,n):
color="#804040"> 41 import sys
color="#804040"> 42
color="#804040"> 43 sys.setrecursionlimit(25000)
color="#804040"> 44
color="#804040"> 45 first = Person(1)
color="#804040"> 46 last = first.createChain(n-1)
color="#804040"> 47 last.succ = first
color="#804040"> 48 winner = first.kill(1,m,n)
color="#804040"> 49 return winner.pos

(Line 37 is also mine)

first Python solution:

I wanted to use Python lists and then
use the modulo operator, % on the indexing  so that a list
would wrap-around and become a ring. I got 'cocky' too and decided to
 kill all soldiers to be killed in each pass over the list in
one go by using Pythons list slicing together with del
 color="#804040"> 51 def  color="#008080">josephus_modulo(m,n):
color="#804040"> 52 ''' color="#ff00ff"> Use list indexing to do multiple deletes per 'round' '''
color="#804040"> 53 if n == 1:
color="#804040"> 54 color="#804040">return 1
color="#804040"> 55 if m == 1:
color="#804040"> 56 color="#804040">return n
color="#804040"> 57
color="#804040"> 58 soldiers = range(1,n+1)
color="#804040"> 59 startindex = m-1
color="#804040"> 60 while soldiers:
color="#804040"> 61 leng = len(soldiers)
color="#804040"> 62 killed = soldiers[startindex::m] color="#804040">or killed
color="#804040"> 63 color="#804040">del soldiers[startindex::m]
color="#804040"> 64 startindex = (m - leng%m + startindex) % m
color="#804040"> 65 return killed[-1]

admit, I was stumped over the correct equation necessary for
calculating the startindex for another 'round' at line 64 - it took
some time to get right and prompted the comparison code added to the
end of the file..

I got the above working , then
went to bed.

My second solution:

In the
light of day, I thought my first solution was opaque , and I wanted to
also try a solution that used a list, but just killed soldiers one by
one. I came up with:
color="#804040"> 67 def color="#008080">josephus_list_ring(m,n):
color="#804040"> 68 ''' color="#ff00ff"> Use list as ring via modulo '''
color="#804040"> 69 if n == 1:
color="#804040"> 70 color="#804040">return 1
color="#804040"> 71 if m == 1:
color="#804040"> 72 color="#804040">return n
color="#804040"> 73 soldiers = range(1,n+1)
color="#804040"> 74 leng = n
color="#804040"> 75 m1 = index = m-1
color="#804040"> 76 while leng>1:
color="#804040"> 77 color="#0000ff">#print "soldiers, leng, index", soldiers, leng, index
color="#804040"> 78 killed = soldiers.pop(index)
color="#804040"> 79 color="#0000ff">#print 'killed', killed
color="#804040"> 80 index += m1
color="#804040"> 81 leng -= 1
color="#804040"> 82 index %= leng
color="#804040"> 83 return soldiers[0]

was the natural way to kill each soldier.

I liked
this function. I would find this relatively easy to both explain and

A solution using a class based ring of

I know Dan deliberately added recursion to his class
based solution, and it showed, in me hitting the recursion limit when
using some combinations of m and n. I decided to try using class
instaances to create a ring but iterate over the ring to kill soldiers
insteaad of using recursion.
 color="#804040"> 84 
color="#804040"> 85 def color="#008080">josephus_iter_class(m,n):
color="#804040"> 86 ''' color="#ff00ff"> Iterative class based ring solution '''
color="#804040"> 87
color="#804040"> 88 if n == 1:
color="#804040"> 89 color="#804040">return 1
color="#804040"> 90 if m == 1:
color="#804040"> 91 color="#804040">return n
color="#804040"> 92
color="#804040"> 93 class color="#008080">Soldier(object):
color="#804040"> 94 color="#804040">def color="#008080">__init__(self, number):
color="#804040"> 95 self.number = number
color="#804040"> 96 = None
color="#804040"> 97
color="#804040"> 98 # Soldiers without position
color="#804040"> 99 soldiers = [Soldier(j+1) color="#804040">for j color="#804040">in xrange(n)]
color="#804040">100 # link soldiers in a ring
color="#804040">101 for j color="#804040">in xrange(n):
color="#804040">102 soldiers[j].next = soldiers[(j+1) % n]
color="#804040">103 last, index = soldiers[m-2], soldiers[m-1]
color="#804040">104 for i color="#804040">in xrange(n-1):
color="#804040">105 color="#0000ff"># Kill soldier at index
color="#804040">106 index = =
color="#804040">107 color="#0000ff"># advance
color="#804040">108 color="#804040">for j color="#804040">in xrange(m-1):
color="#804040">109 last, index = index,
color="#804040">111 return index.number
that the class Soldier has just enough fields to form a ring and hold
its original position, (number), in the ring. The real heavy lifting is
done in the body of the function.

I liked the above
solution too, but not as much as josephus_list_ring


Dan's solution was not created with fast run times as a goal.

decided to run some timings on the various solutions:
color="#804040">114 def color="#008080">times():
color="#804040">115 ''' color="#ff00ff"> Time the different josephus functions
color="#804040">116 '''
color="#804040">117 import timeit
color="#804040">119 functions = [josephus_class_ring, josephus_modulo, josephus_list_ring, josephus_iter_class]
color="#804040">120 for f color="#804040">in functions:
color="#804040">121 color="#804040">print ' color="#ff00ff">Time for', f.__name__, timeit.Timer(
color="#804040">122 ' color="#ff00ff">[%s(m,n) for n in range(1,50) for m in range(1,n-1)]' % f.__name__,
color="#804040">123 ' color="#ff00ff">from josephus import %s' % f.__name__).timeit(number=1)

results were: (without psyco):
style="margin-left: 40px;"> style="font-family: monospace;">Time for josephus_class_ring
style="font-family: monospace;">Time for josephus_modulo
style="font-family: monospace;">Time for josephus_list_ring
style="font-family: monospace;">Time for josephus_iter_class

With psyco enabled I
style="font-family: monospace;">Time for josephus_class_ring
style="font-family: monospace;">Time for josephus_modulo
style="font-family: monospace;">Time for josephus_list_ring
style="font-family: monospace;">Time for josephus_iter_class

Notice how
josephus_iter_class goes slower
with psyco.

The other bits

color="#804040">128 if __name__ == ' color="#ff00ff">__main__':
color="#804040">129 n = 25 color="#0000ff"># n people in a circle
color="#804040">130 m = 3 color="#0000ff"># kill every mth person
color="#804040">132 print " color="#ff00ff">In a circle of %d people, killing number %d" % (n,m)
color="#804040">134 print " color="#ff00ff">Winner by josephus_class_ring: ", josephus_class_ring(m,n)
color="#804040">135 print " color="#ff00ff">Winner by josephus_modulo: ", josephus_modulo(m,n)
color="#804040">136 print " color="#ff00ff">Winner by josephus_list_ring: ", josephus_list_ring(m,n)
color="#804040">137 print " color="#ff00ff">Winner by josephus_iter_class: ", josephus_iter_class(m,n)
color="#804040">139 #raise Exception('Stop')
color="#804040">140 print
color="#804040">141 times()
color="#804040">143 # Equality check
color="#804040">144 for n color="#804040">in range(1,25):
color="#804040">145 color="#804040">for m color="#804040">in range(1,n-1):
color="#804040">146 color="#804040">assert (josephus_class_ring(m,n) == josephus_modulo(m,n)
color="#804040">147 == josephus_list_ring(m,n) == josephus_iter_class(m,n)), " color="#ff00ff">Whoops"
Lines 128 to
137 I used most when developing each function, together with copious
print statements.
Modifications to  lines 143 to
148 ensured that each function was giving the same results, (as well as
giving stack errors for the reccursive solution).


style="font-style: italic;">

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Carol Thatchers golliwog remark

lived through "The Thatcher years", when Carol Thatcher's mother was
Prime Minister, I thought then that most of the racists were
 openly members of her Tory party. It is no surprise then to
hear that href="">Carol
thinks it is OK to call black people Golliwogs when "where
all white here" - nudge-nudge. Together with href="">her
brothers antics in Africa, you get a picture of the views
circulating in the Thatcher household during their formative years that
is sickeningly racist.

I guess we have advanced to
the stage that even someone who is the daughter of a Baroness; who's
mother still wields great power in the UK; felt it unwise to make her
comments on-screen, but by witnessing the cries of
'outrage' at her mere dismissal from the BBC. I think British
society can't be complacent on its way to an integrated society.


P.S. Big-up Jo Brand for walking out.
There was a member of href="">Comic
Relief  in the green room too, yet still Carol
thinks its OK?

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