Mainly Tech projects on Python and Electronic Design Automation.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Zed and community
Zed it seems knows about his blogging style: asking questions
as statements;and ranting.but
it seems that he has written good code for the Rails community in the
past and has earned some peoples respect. Now he is a new member of the
Python community I would hope that current members realize his style
and try not to emulate it.
Zed may be here for a long stay, or gone tomorrow, but I wouldn't want
the lasting effect to be a rise in the abrasiveness of the Python
community, or an unthinking
abandonment of community practices. Even if Zed does produce
Pythons Holy Grail, we have to remember that that is software.
Community matters, and we have to work with the
Zeds, the Alex's, the Xah's, the Tim's without being seen to sink to
the lowest common denominator.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Pipe Fitting with Python Generators
target="_blank">$10,000 sequence which, for
mathematics, has a very href=""
target="_blank"> interesting story. To
'follow the money', you have to generate the sequence of values and
calculate maxima and minima of the sequence values so I decided to
create a generator of the sequence values and pass it through filters
that would emit local maxima/minima. I ended up with something like:
highs = [ for i in range(1000)]
Now I just hated the nested call of generators. If it were a Unix
shell, I would have hoped to have written:
maxima |head 1000 > highs
Notice how the data flows from source at the left to sink at the right.
I like that.
I spent some time trying to use classes and redefine bitwise or for
class instances, but it was looking messy and my heart wasn't really in
a class based solution.
I left it for a week. And in that week I remembered seeing a function
called pipe being used to pipe things so decided to write my own pipe
function for combining generators in a more natural way.
What I wanted was a function called pipe, that when called with several
generators, returned a nested call of all its arguments, with the
leftmost argument being in the center of the nest. For example, a call
Would return the equivalent of:
The eventual definition turned out to be quite straight-forward:
color="#804040">def color="#008080">pipe(*cmds):
''' color="#ff00ff"> pipe(a,b,c,d, ...) -> yield from ...d(c(b(a())))
color="#ff00ff"> '''
gen = cmds[0]
color="#804040">for cmd color="#804040">in cmds[1:]:
gen = cmd(gen)
color="#804040">for x color="#804040">in gen:
color="#804040">yield x
Pipe in use
Lets create some simple generators; style="font-family: monospace;">count is just
itertools.count; sqr
yields the square of items on its input iterator
from itertools color="#a020f0">import count
color="#804040">def color="#008080">sqr(x):
color="#804040"> for val color="#804040">in x:
color="#804040"> yield val*val
I can now generate the squares of integers:
>>> p = pipe(count(), sqr)
>>> [ color="#804040">for i color="#804040">in range(5)]
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
But I need a more complex definition for head as it needs to have a
parameter of the maximum number of items to pass through.
def color="#008080">head(n):
''' color="#ff00ff"> return a generator that passes through at most n items
color="#ff00ff"> '''
color="#804040">def color="#008080">head(x):
i = n
color="#804040">for val color="#804040">in x:
color="#804040">if i>0:
i -= 1
color="#804040">yield val
color="#804040">raise StopIteration
color="#804040">return head
And now with head I can more naturally express nested generator
functions as I can stop an infinite generator stream easily for example:
>>> list(pipe(count(), sqr, head(4)))
[0, 1, 4, 9]
>>> color="#804040">for i color="#804040">in pipe(count(), sqr, head(10)):
color="#804040">print i,
0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
Generalized function generator and filter
I thought it might be handy to have a function that skipped an input if
the prefilter(input) was false; applied a given function, fn(input) to
the input stream and passed on fn(input) to the output if
postfilter(fn(input)) was true. Think of a stream of data. You can
filter it, apply a function to it, or filter after applying the
function - all via this pipe filter. I called it fnf for function
def color="#008080">fnf(fn, prefilter=None, postfilter=None):
''' color="#ff00ff"> functionfilter:
color="#ff00ff"> for s in x:
color="#ff00ff"> yield fn(s) subject to prefilter(s), postfilter(fn(s)) returning True if present,
color="#ff00ff"> or skip this s
color="#ff00ff"> '''
color="#804040">def color="#008080">_fnf(x):
color="#804040">for s color="#804040">in x:
color="#804040">if prefilter color="#804040">is None color="#804040">or prefilter(s):
fns = fn(s)
color="#804040">if postfilter color="#804040">is None color="#804040">or postfilter(fns):
color="#804040">yield fns
_fnf.__doc__ = ' color="#ff00ff">_fnf = fnf(%s, %s, %s)' %(fn, prefilter, postfilter)
color="#804040">return _fnf
I'll show fnf in action.
>>> # turns the input stream of numbers, x into a stream of tuples x,x/2.0
>>> color="#804040">def color="#008080">n_nby2(x): color="#804040">return x, x/2.0
>>> list(pipe( count(), sqr, head(5), style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;">fnf(n_nby2) ))
[(0, 0.0), (1, 0.5), (4, 2.0), (9, 4.5), (16, 8.0)]
>>> color="#0000ff"># Lets create a prefilter
>>> color="#804040">def color="#008080">even(x): color="#804040">return x%2 == 0
>>> list(pipe( count(), sqr, head(5), fnf(n_nby2, style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;">even) ))
[(0, 0.0), (4, 2.0), (16, 8.0)]
>>> color="#0000ff"># And now a postfilter which must work on the result of applying fn
>>> color="#804040">def color="#008080">frac(x): color="#804040">return int(x[1]) != x[1]
>>> list(pipe( count(), sqr, head(5), fnf(n_nby2, style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">None, style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;">frac) ))
[(1, 0.5), (9, 4.5)]
>>> color="#0000ff"># Note the presence of style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">None in the above call as we don't use a prefilter
Thats it for now with the pipe fitting. I do have a tee function for
printing intermediate results, but it's style="text-decoration: line-through;">late
early and I'm tired....
- Paddy.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Extended unpacking in Python 3.0
target="_blank">pattern matching on Rosetta Code,
I wondered, (and still am wondering), if it has anything to do with
list unpacking in Python, which lead me to do some simple explorations
of the target="_blank">extended iterable unpacking that
is new in Python 3.0.
Introducing a star
The feature builds on the pre-existing capability of being able to
unpack a list or tuple into multiple names in Python 2.x, so in Python
2.x you
could do:
>>> import platform
>>> platform.python_version()
' color="#ff00ff">2.6.1'
>>> lst = [1,2,3]
>>> a,b,c = lst
>>> print a,b,c
1 2 3
>>> tpl = (1,2,3)
>>> a,b,c = tpl
>>> print a,b,c
1 2 3
>>> iter = (x for x in range(4))
>>> iter
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x01300468>
>>> a,b,c,d = iter
>>> print a,b,c,d
0 1 2 3
>>> color="#0000ff"># You could also do the (fancy), but non-* stuff too
>>> a,b,(c,d) = (1,2,(3,4))
>>> color="#804040">print a,b,c,d
1 2 3 4
>>> color="#0000ff"># But not
>>> a,*b = (1,2,3,4)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In Python 3.0 you get all of the above plus the ability to 'soak up'
the rest of the values using style="font-weight: bold;">* (which I pronounce
as 'star' in this
It is similar to how you can use *args in a function definition to
assign extra positional arguments to a name. In an assignment however
it means 'take
whatever's left of the what is being assigned and assign it to me as a
Here are some examples:
>>> import platform
>>> platform.python_version()
' color="#ff00ff">3.0.1'
>>> a,*b = [1,2,3,4]
>>> color="#804040">print(a,b, sep=' color="#ff00ff"> ')
1 [2, 3, 4]
>>> a = [1,2,3,4]
>>> color="#0000ff"># Note the comma after the *b to make it a tuple
>>> *b, = [1,2,3,4]
>>> a == b
>>> color="#0000ff"># Only one * per iterable (or sub-iterable) being assigned
>>> *a,*b = [1,2,3,4]
style="color: red;">SyntaxError: two starred expressions style="color: red;" color="#804040">in style="color: red;"> assignment (<pyshell style="color: red;" color="#0000ff">#87>, line 1)
>>> color="#0000ff"># but note:
>>> a,*b,(c,*d) = [1,2,3,[4,5,6]]
>>> color="#804040">print(a,b,c,d, sep=' color="#ff00ff"> ')
1 [2, 3] 4 [5, 6]
>>> color="#0000ff"># Notice that style="font-weight: bold;">* style="text-decoration: underline;">always creates a list
>>> *a, = (1,2,3)
>>> a
style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">[1, 2, 3 style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">]
>>> a,b,(*c,) = (x color="#804040">if x<2 color="#804040">else range(5) color="#804040">for x color="#804040">in range(3))
>>> color="#804040">print(a,b,c, sep=' color="#ff00ff"> ')
0 1 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> color="#0000ff"># Although you can have only one style="font-weight: bold;">* per (sub)iterable, its position is flexible
>>> a,*b,c = [1,2,3,4]
>>> b
[2, 3]
>>> *b,a,c = [1,2,3,4]
>>> b
[1, 2]
>>> a,c,*b = [1,2,3,4]
>>> color="#0000ff"># And look!
>>> a,c,*b,d,e = [1,2,3,4]
>>> b
>>> a,b,c,d,e
(1, [], 2, 3, 4)
>>> color="#0000ff"># So * can accumulate style="text-decoration: underline;">no values in some cases
I'm looking forward to using this feature in 3.1.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Critique of pseudocode explanations of the Closest Pair Algorithm
task on Rosetta Code from its inception on the 6th of
May, but had problems understanding the pseudo-code given, and some
of the stuff I googled too. after a couple of days though I was more
familiar with attempts at O(nlog(n)) divide-n-conquer
algorithms having seen a few and happened to find this
explanation (.ppt file) where it seemed to click for me.
After problems with the other references I thought I might go
through and identify what I found problematic with them.
The Rosetta Code Pseudo-code:
closestPair of P(1), P(2), ... P(N)
if N ≤ 3 then
return closest points of P using brute-force algorithm
xP ← P ordered by the x coordinate, in ascending order
PL ← points of xP from 1 to ⌈N/2⌉
PR ← points of xP from ⌈N/2⌉+1 to N
(dL, pairL) ← closestPair of PL
(dR, pairR) ← closestPair of PR
(dmin, pairmin) ← (dR, pairR)
if dL < dR then
(dmin, pairmin) ← (dL, pairL)
xM ← xP(⌈N/2⌉)x
S ← { p ∈ xP : |xM - px| < dmin }
yP ← S ordered by the y coordinate, in ascending order
nP ← number of points in yP
(closest, closestPair) ← (dmin, pairmin)
for i from 1 to nP - 1
k ← i + 1
while k ≤ nP and yP(k)y - yP(k)y < dmin
if |yP(k) - yP(i)| < closest then
(closest, closestPair) ← (|yP(k) - yP(i)|, {yP(k), yP(i)})
k ← k + 1
return closest, closestPair
The author had noted that the above could have problems so I was
warned, but still started by trying to follow the above. I was
blindly following the pseudo-code until I got the the statement: xM
← xP(⌈N/2⌉)x which I couldn't understand.
This prompted my wider search for a better explanation. After
finding it (linked in the first paragraph), I modified my Python
program to follow the new explanation.
The RC references
There were several references quoted.
The Wikipedia article
Did not give pseudo-code
Pair (McGill)
Section 3.4 on improving their previous
O(nlog2n) into an O(nlogn)
algorithm I found to be very vague. Just how do you “returning
the points in each set in sorted order by y-coordinate “
without doing an nlogn sort leading again to an O(nlog2n)
Pair (UCBS)
This seems to concur with my preferred reference
but is given at a higher level than pseudo-code, and so would be
harder to implement from the description given.
pair (WUStL) by Dr. Jeremy Buhler
Their seems to be a
problem with having N, the number of points as an argument of the
function. What if N is odd? The pseudo-code seems to rely on other
material probably presented in a class and is at a higher level than
my preferred solution as it seems to be set as an exercise for
My Python Solution
The only tests done is to generate random points and compare the
brute force algorithms solution with that of the divide and conquer.
Compute nearest pair of points using two algorithms
First algorithm is 'brute force' comparison of every possible pair.
Second, 'divide and conquer', is based on:
from random import randint
infinity = float('inf')
# Note the use of complex numbers to represent 2D points making distance == abs(P1-P2)
def bruteForceClosestPair(point):
numPoints = len(point)
if numPoints < 2:
return infinity, (None, None)
return min( ((abs(point[i] - point[j]), (point[i], point[j]))
for i in range(numPoints-1)
for j in range(i+1,numPoints)),
key=lambda x: x[0])
def closestPair(point):
xP = sorted(point, key= lambda p: p.real)
yP = sorted(point, key= lambda p: p.imag)
return _closestPair(xP, yP)
def _closestPair(xP, yP):
numPoints = len(xP)
if numPoints <= 3:
return bruteForceClosestPair(xP)
Pl = xP[:numPoints/2]
Pr = xP[numPoints/2:]
Yl, Yr = [], []
xDivider = Pl[-1].real
for p in yP:
if p.real <= xDivider:
dl, pairl = _closestPair(Pl, Yl)
dr, pairr = _closestPair(Pr, Yr)
dm, pairm = (dl, pairl) if dl < dr else (dr, pairr)
# Points within dm of xDivider sorted by Y coord
closeY = [p for p in yP if abs(p.real - xDivider) < dm]
numCloseY = len(closeY)
if numCloseY > 1:
# There is a proof that you only need compare a max of 7 other points
closestY = min( ((abs(closeY[i] - closeY[j]), (closeY[i], closeY[j]))
for i in range(numCloseY-1)
for j in range(i+1,min(i+8, numCloseY))),
key=lambda x: x[0])
return (dm, pairm) if dm <= closestY[0] else closestY
return dm, pairm
def times():
''' Time the different functions
import timeit
functions = [bruteForceClosestPair, closestPair]
for f in functions:
print 'Time for', f.__name__, timeit.Timer(
'%s(pointList)' % f.__name__,
'from closestpair import %s, pointList' % f.__name__).timeit(number=1)
pointList = [randint(0,1000)+1j*randint(0,1000) for i in range(2000)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
pointList = [(5+9j), (9+3j), (2+0j), (8+4j), (7+4j), (9+10j), (1+9j), (8+2j), 10j, (9+6j)]
print pointList
print ' bruteForceClosestPair:', bruteForceClosestPair(pointList)
print ' closestPair:', closestPair(pointList)
for i in range(10):
pointList = [randint(0,10)+1j*randint(0,10) for i in range(10)]
print '\n', pointList
print ' bruteForceClosestPair:', bruteForceClosestPair(pointList)
print ' closestPair:', closestPair(pointList)
print '\n'
Sample output:
[(5+9j), (9+3j), (2+0j), (8+4j), (7+4j), (9+10j), (1+9j), (8+2j), 10j, (9+6j)]
bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((8+4j), (7+4j)))
closestPair: (1.0, ((8+4j), (7+4j)))
[(6+8j), (4+1j), 7j, (4+10j), (10+6j), (1+9j), (10+10j), (5+0j), (3+1j), (6+4j)]
bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((4+1j), (3+1j)))
closestPair: (1.0, ((3+1j), (4+1j)))
[(5+5j), (10+9j), 3j, (6+1j), (9+5j), 1j, (8+0j), 8j, (3+2j), (10+4j)]
bruteForceClosestPair: (1.4142135623730951, ((9+5j), (10+4j)))
closestPair: (1.4142135623730951, ((9+5j), (10+4j)))
[(9+2j), (1+2j), 5j, (10+0j), (6+6j), (6+4j), (5+1j), (2+5j), (8+6j), (3+2j)]
bruteForceClosestPair: (2.0, ((1+2j), (3+2j)))
closestPair: (2.0, ((6+6j), (6+4j)))
[(2+3j), (9+0j), (9+7j), 8j, (4+5j), (6+7j), (6+2j), (3+3j), (3+10j), (7+5j)]
bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((2+3j), (3+3j)))
closestPair: (1.0, ((2+3j), (3+3j)))
[(7+2j), (2+10j), (3+7j), (8+6j), (2+1j), 3j, (8+5j), (6+9j), (1+0j), 0j]
bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((8+6j), (8+5j)))
closestPair: (1.0, ((8+6j), (8+5j)))
[(10+7j), (6+3j), (2+7j), (3+6j), (9+3j), (8+5j), (5+7j), (3+10j), 5j, (3+7j)]
bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((2+7j), (3+7j)))
closestPair: (1.0, ((3+6j), (3+7j)))
[(4+6j), (5+4j), 2j, (7+0j), 4j, (6+5j), (7+5j), (8+9j), (10+5j), (8+2j)]
bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((6+5j), (7+5j)))
closestPair: (1.0, ((6+5j), (7+5j)))
[(4+0j), (7+9j), 7j, 8j, (7+1j), (2+5j), (7+3j), (1+3j), (3+9j), (10+7j)]
bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, (7j, 8j))
closestPair: (1.0, (7j, 8j))
[(9+1j), (5+0j), (8+3j), (6+9j), (3+7j), (4+6j), (7+6j), (8+6j), (10+8j), (2+5j)]
bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((7+6j), (8+6j)))
closestPair: (1.0, ((7+6j), (8+6j)))
[(2+2j), (10+8j), (3+0j), (8+0j), (1+1j), (6+5j), 10j, (6+8j), (10+4j), (4+10j)]
bruteForceClosestPair: (1.4142135623730951, ((2+2j), (1+1j)))
closestPair: (1.4142135623730951, ((1+1j), (2+2j)))
Time for bruteForceClosestPair 4.59288093878
Time for closestPair 0.120782948671
Time for bruteForceClosestPair 5.00096353028
Time for closestPair 0.120047939054
Time for bruteForceClosestPair 4.86709875138
Time for closestPair 0.123363723602
Note how much slower the brute force algorithm is for only 2000
(Oh, I guess I should add that the above is all my own work –
students might want to say the same).
Sunday, May 10, 2009
On "RailsConf: What killed Smalltalk could kill Ruby, too"
Browsing Reddit introduced me to RailsConf: What killed Smalltalk could kill Ruby, too The keynote speech by Robert Martin. I found it to be quite interesting as I had been monitoring odd posts on the Rails community and its general attitude.
Some of the points made by Robert on why Smalltalk contracted in popularity included:
It was too easy to make a mess.
And the mess was found late in the project timeline, leading to failed projects.Smalltakers didn't want to deal with the boring 'corporate' tasks.
Leading to the rise of programmers using other languages to earn a corporate living.When Smalltalk was 'riding high', a tendency to look down on other languages.
This would alienate the general population of programmers.
Robert put in a big, recurring, plug for both TDD and refactoring IDEs as ways to keep Ruby alive.
One comment he made was that he thought that in the dynamic vs static typing, language wars: Dynamic won and cited as evidence that most mainstream 'static' languages such as Java, C++ and C# have ways to do dynamic type checking – although badly. I wouldn't go that far, as I suspect that little of the mindset of programming in a dynamic language such as Python would be adopted by a C# or Java programmer. I suspect that they will use the dynamism available to them as a last resort as part of a design pattern to solve a particular sub-problem.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Tech Issues For The Euro Elections
target="_blank">coming up soon. At the moment, it
seems certain companies are lobbying to have href="">software
patents extended into Europe which is something I
don't agree with, as on algorithms - how can you distinguish between
the maths and the code? On something like look-and-feel of a GUI - how
can you distinguish between the idea and its implementation? If you see
that person A used a pinching motion of the fingers to
zoom-out centered on the pinch then I don't think that should stop
person B from coding his own implementation using different code. I do
think that the screen technology that allows a particular
implementation of multi-touch should be patentable however.
There is another tech issue that I need to talk to prospective
candidates about: their stance on href=""
target="_blank"> ODF vs OOX ML, and more widely:
their stance on the promotion of the use of open style="text-decoration: underline;">standards
within government.
Can't think of any more tech issues at the moment but if you can think
of any...
P.S. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me,...