I was messing about with HTML red, green, blue triplets of 0..255 values each that are used for specifying HTML colo
urs (with a u as I am English). I decided that I wanted to be able to take a spread of rgb values and arrange them in a spectrum.
Easily said, but hard to do. I went down a blind alley of converting to Hue, Saturation, Luminance; but could do nothing with that. I decided to ignore our eyes different sensitivities and any difference in 'purity' of pure red/green/blue from monitors and decided to try and work out mathematically how to create such a spectra.
The values for the three colours are independently variable over their ranges and so I got to thinking of the available colours as a colour cube. Think of a a 3D graph with three perpendicular axes red, green and blue. You can do the physics trick of taking your hand; stick the thumb straight up, the finger directly below the thumb straight out in front and the second finger below the thumb at right angles to them both pointing towards your body. There you have it! three perpendicular axes for red, green and blue, with the origin being towards your palm.
The available colours fill the cube of integers (0, 0, 0) up to (255, 255, 255). I want to create a linear 'spectrum'.
If you consider the three points R, G, B, = (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255) respectively, they are the points of maximum r,g,b intensity, unsullied by other colours. If you cut the cube to expose the plane linking those three points then I would ideally like a spectra that traversed R->G->B (->R); but what about the off-plane colour triplets?
If given a list of colour triplets to sort into a spectrum I decided to
- Find out which of the three cardinal points/primary colours R, G, or B each triplet was closest-to.
- Sort all the triplets on their closeness to a primary.
- Extract three lists of the triplets for each primary colour in such a way that they would be sorted with the primaries near the centre of their list; and those with more of the next primary to the 'right' and to the previous primary to the 'left'.
For example the Red list would have reddy-greens to the right and reddy-blues to the left; the green list would have greeny-reds to the left and greeny-blues to the right; similarly the blue list would have bluey-greens to the left and bluey-reds to the right.
- Join the three lists in the R, G,B order - assuming that B wraps-round to R to form the spectrum.
The Code
2 '''
3 Generate rgb colours in order
4 '''
6 from pprint import pprint as pp
7 from collections import namedtuple
8 from itertools import product, groupby
11 Rgb = namedtuple('Rgb', 'r g b')
13 RGBDL = ( Rgb(255, 0, 0), Rgb(0, 255, 0), Rgb(0, 0, 255), Rgb(0, 0, 0), Rgb(255, 255, 255) )
14 RGB = ( Rgb(255, 0, 0), Rgb(0, 255, 0), Rgb(0, 0, 255) )
16 def dist(p, q):
17 'dist squared between two points'
18 return sum((pp - qq)**2 for pp,qq in zip(p,q))
20 def cmp(x,y):
21 return 1 if x>y else (0 if x==y else -1)
23 def rgbsort2(rgblist):
24 'reddest to greenest to bluest (... to redest, circularly)'
27 Closest = namedtuple('Closest', 'distance, cindex, col')
29 colourdistances = []
30 for col in rgblist:
32 rgbdistances = tuple(dist(col, cardinal) for cardinal in RGB)
33 distance = min(rgbdistances)
34 cindex = rgbdistances.index(distance)
35 colourdistances.append(Closest(distance, cindex, col))
37 colourdistances.sort()
41 clist = [list() for i in range(3)]
44 for _, cindex, col in colourdistances:
46 addright = col[(cindex + 1) % 3] > col[(cindex + 2) % 3]
47 if addright:
48 clist[cindex].append(col)
49 else:
50 clist[cindex].insert(0, col)
52 return clist[0] + clist[1] + clist[2]
54 def rgb2HTML(colours):
55 f, ht = 4, 50
67 return txt
70 if __name__ == '__main__':
71 if 1:
74 nondithers = (0xFF, 0xCC, 0x99, 0x66, 0x33, 0x00)
75 else:
76 nondithers = tuple(range(0,256,32))
77 rgblist = [Rgb(*rgb) for rgb in product(*(nondithers,)*3)]
78 spectra2 = rgbsort2(rgblist)
80 with open('rgbgen.htm', 'w') as f:
81 f.write(rgb2HTML(spectra2))
I have had to miss-out the guts of the rgb2HTML function as Blogger has problems with rendering the HTML tags
The result
I get some sort of progression, but could do better:
(255,255,255) | #FFCCFF
(255,204,255) | #FF99FF
(255,153,255) | #CCCCCC
(204,204,204) |
(255,204,204) | #FF66FF
(255,102,255) | #FF33FF
(255,51,255) | #CC99CC
(204,153,204) |
(255,153,204) | #FF00FF
(255,0,255) | #000000
(0,0,0) | #999999
(153,153,153) |
(204,102,204) | #FF66CC
(255,102,204) | #CC9999
(204,153,153) | #FF9999
(255,153,153) |
(204,51,204) | #333333
(51,51,51) | #FF33CC
(255,51,204) | #CC00CC
(204,0,204) |
(153,102,153) | #666666
(102,102,102) | #330033
(51,0,51) | #FF00CC
(255,0,204) |
(51,0,0) | #CC6699
(204,102,153) | #993399
(153,51,153) | #663366
(102,51,102) |
(255,102,153) | #990099
(153,0,153) | #660066
(102,0,102) | #996666
(153,102,102) |
(204,51,153) | #663333
(102,51,51) | #FF3399
(255,51,153) | #CC0099
(204,0,153) |
(102,0,51) | #FF0099
(255,0,153) | #CC6666
(204,102,102) | #993366
(153,51,102) |
(102,0,0) | #FF6666
(255,102,102) | #990066
(153,0,102) | #CC3366
(204,51,102) |
(153,51,51) | #FF3366
(255,51,102) | #CC0066
(204,0,102) | #990033
(153,0,51) |
(255,0,102) | #990000
(153,0,0) | #CC3333
(204,51,51) | #FF3333
(255,51,51) |
(204,0,51) | #FF0033
(255,0,51) | #CC0000
(204,0,0) | #FF0000
(255,0,0) |
(255,51,0) | #CC3300
(204,51,0) | #FF6600
(255,102,0) | #993300
(153,51,0) |
(204,102,0) | #FF6633
(255,102,51) | #CC6633
(204,102,51) | #996600
(153,102,0) |
(153,102,51) | #FF9900
(255,153,0) | #663300
(102,51,0) | #CC9900
(204,153,0) |
(255,153,51) | #CC9933
(204,153,51) | #666600
(102,102,0) | #999900
(153,153,0) |
(255,153,102) | #666633
(102,102,51) | #999933
(153,153,51) | #CC9966
(204,153,102) |
(255,204,0) | #333300
(51,51,0) | #999966
(153,153,102) | #CCCC00
(204,204,0) |
(255,204,51) | #CCCC33
(204,204,51) | #FFCC66
(255,204,102) | #CCCC66
(204,204,102) |
(255,204,153) | #FFFF00
(255,255,0) | #CCCC99
(204,204,153) | #FFFF33
(255,255,51) |
(255,255,102) | #FFFF99
(255,255,153) | #FFFFCC
(255,255,204) | #CCFFCC
(204,255,204) |
(204,255,153) | #CCFF66
(204,255,102) | #99CC99
(153,204,153) | #99FF99
(153,255,153) |
(204,255,51) | #CCFF00
(204,255,0) | #003300
(0,51,0) | #99CC66
(153,204,102) |
(153,255,102) | #669966
(102,153,102) | #99CC33
(153,204,51) | #336633
(51,102,51) |
(153,255,51) | #99CC00
(153,204,0) | #336600
(51,102,0) | #99FF00
(153,255,0) |
(102,204,102) | #669933
(102,153,51) | #006600
(0,102,0) | #66FF66
(102,255,102) |
(102,153,0) | #66CC33
(102,204,51) | #339933
(51,153,51) | #66FF33
(102,255,51) |
(102,204,0) | #339900
(51,153,0) | #66FF00
(102,255,0) | #009900
(0,153,0) |
(51,204,51) | #33FF33
(51,255,51) | #33CC00
(51,204,0) | #33FF00
(51,255,0) |
(0,204,0) | #00FF00
(0,255,0) | #00FF33
(0,255,51) | #00CC33
(0,204,51) |
(0,255,102) | #009933
(0,153,51) | #00CC66
(0,204,102) | #33FF66
(51,255,102) |
(51,204,102) | #009966
(0,153,102) | #00FF99
(0,255,153) | #339966
(51,153,102) |
(0,102,51) | #00CC99
(0,204,153) | #33FF99
(51,255,153) | #33CC99
(51,204,153) |
(0,102,102) | #009999
(0,153,153) | #66FF99
(102,255,153) | #336666
(51,102,102) |
(51,153,153) | #66CC99
(102,204,153) | #00FFCC
(0,255,204) | #003333
(0,51,51) |
(0,204,204) | #33FFCC
(51,255,204) | #669999
(102,153,153) | #33CCCC
(51,204,204) |
(102,255,204) | #66CCCC
(102,204,204) | #00FFFF
(0,255,255) | #99FFCC
(153,255,204) |
(51,255,255) | #99CCCC
(153,204,204) | #66FFFF
(102,255,255) | #99FFFF
(153,255,255) |
(204,255,255) | #CCCCFF
(204,204,255) | #99CCFF
(153,204,255) | #66CCFF
(102,204,255) |
(153,153,204) | #9999FF
(153,153,255) | #33CCFF
(51,204,255) | #00CCFF
(0,204,255) |
(0,0,51) | #6699CC
(102,153,204) | #6699FF
(102,153,255) | #666699
(102,102,153) |
(51,153,204) | #333366
(51,51,102) | #3399FF
(51,153,255) | #0099CC
(0,153,204) |
(0,51,102) | #6666CC
(102,102,204) | #336699
(51,102,153) | #0099FF
(0,153,255) |
(0,0,102) | #6666FF
(102,102,255) | #006699
(0,102,153) | #3366CC
(51,102,204) |
(51,51,153) | #3366FF
(51,102,255) | #0066CC
(0,102,204) | #003399
(0,51,153) |
(0,102,255) | #000099
(0,0,153) | #3333CC
(51,51,204) | #3333FF
(51,51,255) |
(0,51,204) | #0033FF
(0,51,255) | #0000CC
(0,0,204) | #0000FF
(0,0,255) |
(51,0,255) | #3300CC
(51,0,204) | #6600FF
(102,0,255) | #330099
(51,0,153) |
(102,0,204) | #6633FF
(102,51,255) | #6633CC
(102,51,204) | #660099
(102,0,153) |
(102,51,153) | #9900FF
(153,0,255) | #330066
(51,0,102) | #9900CC
(153,0,204) |
(153,51,255) | #9933CC
(153,51,204) | #9966FF
(153,102,255) | #9966CC
(153,102,204) |
(204,0,255) | #CC33FF
(204,51,255) | #CC66FF
(204,102,255) | #CC99FF
(204,153,255) |