it.", by Phillip Smith, in which the author wishes Perl
solutions were credited as much as solutions in other languages such as
Python and Ruby.
I agreed that Perl wasn't mentioned as much as it was, and a day or so
later I came across an example of why....
I monitor whats happening in Python, and came across a new recipe added
to Activestate code called: "Recipe 576961: Technique for cyclical
iteration", by Raymond Hettinger. On first, second, and third
readings, i just couldn't understand the need for the deferred_output
function; the whole recipe remained opaque:
from itertools import tee, chain, islice
from heapq import merge
def hamming_numbers():
# Generate "5-smooth" numbers, also called "Hamming numbers"
# or "Regular numbers". See:
# Finds solutions to 2**i * 3**j * 5**k for some integers i, j, and k.
def no_repeats(it):
last = None
for i in it:
if i is not last:
yield i
last = i
def deferred_output():
for i in output:
yield i
result, p2, p3, p5 = tee(deferred_output(), 4)
m2 = (2*x for x in p2) # multiples of 2
m3 = (3*x for x in p3) # multiples of 3
m5 = (5*x for x in p5) # multiples of 5
merged = merge(m2, m3, m5)
combined = chain([1], merged) # prepend a starting point
output = no_repeats(combined) # eliminate duplicates
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(list(islice(hamming_numbers(), 1000))) # Show first 1000 hamming numbers
I was hooked by the series however and so went looking for more
I came across a mention to the following page: "Infinite
lists in Perl" by Mark Dominus which is copyright 1997 by the
Perl Journal. Normally I wouldn't mention the article, as it spends
more time creating an implementation of generators in Perl as it does
on addressing the computation of Hamming numbers. It also uses the term
"stream" instead of generators. but maybe this is down to the age of
the article, i.e. 1997?
Looking a bit further, I found this Dr Dobbs Article, and this
commented Haskell
hamming = 1 : map (2*) hamming `merge` map (3*) hamming `merge` map (5*) hamming
where merge (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x < y = x : xs `merge` (y:ys)
| x > y = y : (x:xs) `merge` ys
| otherwise = x : xs `merge` ys
The Haskell solution lead me to think that maybe Python has an issue
with defining recursive generators, and some experimentation lead me to
believe that yep, maybe that was why Raymond has the deferred_output
My Python
Since I have trouble understanding Raymond s I went away and wrote my
own solution. It works. It can generate very large values of the
sequence quite quickly. But it does need memory to store
from itertools import islice
from pprint import pprint as pp
def regularnumbergen(start = 1, multipliers=(2, 3, 5)):
Generates the Regular Number sequence defined here:
The sequence starts with 1 and consists of all multiples by 2, 3, or 5
of any number in the sequence in non-repeating, increasing order.
multiples = [[] for i in multipliers]
this = start
while True:
yield this
# get multiples
for multiple, multiplier in zip(multiples, multipliers):
multiple.append(this * multiplier)
# get next
this = min(m[0] for m in multiples)
# remove this from multiples
for multiple in multiples:
if multiple[0] == this:
del multiple[0]
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(list(islice(regularnumbergen(), 10)))
Generating the following large values of the sequence took only seconds:
>>> print(list(islice(regularnumbergen(), 99999, 100001)))
[290142196707511001929482240000000000000, 290237644800000000000000000000000000000]
Well, I've learnt a bit more about generators, the limitatins in their
Python implementation w.r.t. Haskel, and I've put more meat on why I
tend to not quote much Perl In this case, i couldn't see the wood for
the trees! (But I do quote Perl).